Build It Once.™
What is INCISOR®?
Incisor® is a development platform for building high-quality interactive software and gaming products. The platform consists of JavaScript or TypeScript APIs and other tools bundled together into a single application that can be used to create extremely light apps that operate on any browser without plugins or custom requirements. By harnessing the full power of HTML5 and WebGL, Incisor® allows developers to publish projects to any phone, desktop, or browser-enabled device with the production value and performance of native apps – all from a single codebase. With Incisor®, you need only Build It Once.™
What makes INCISOR® better?
Incisor® is the only platform of its type, with a focus on highly optimized web-ready products downloadable at a fraction of the size without sacrificing quality. The primary driving force behind Incisor® is making the development of commercial-grade software more organized, efficient, flexible, and generally straightforward. The platform incorporates countless efficiencies into both the production process and into the published result, enabling better development as well as the development of better products.
Included Features
Developers using this platform benefit from a truly comprehensive set of production features, but perhaps the greatest benefit is the simplicity of this functionality bundled into a single application. Incisor® ties together each of the elements of the software development process, and the result is an unparalleled boost to project organization, scalability, as well as collaboration and creativity. Incisor® boasts the following features:
Manipulate graphics, sounds, and other assets easily & efficiently
Includes complete API reference documentation & examples
Comprehensive autocomplete library
Dynamic autocomplete reflects project assets & customization
Incisor’s inspection GUI, built using Incisor®
GUI includes:
In-depth object inspector
Hierarchy inspector
“Construct” editor
Timeline editor
Content-loading inspector
Transcript & translations editor
Asset inspector
User-defined object & asset assembly: “Constructs”
Inspect & edit visual effects
GUI timeline animation:
Easily animate all object components, even user-defined visual transitions
Multi-timeline constructs with influence-crossfading for smooth transitions
Constructs w/ timelines are a download-saving sprite sheet alternative
Highly optimized GPU particle system editor
Built-in configurable graphic & sound optimization
OTF & TTF font handling w/ scalable-yet-crisp edges & no end-user dependencies
Assets packaged w/ download & runtime performance enhancements
Automatically publish multiple asset packages to match target device
Publish configurations enable target-specific asset inclusion
Non-essential asset data can be streamed during software runtime
User-defined GPU effects to boost performance & production-value
Integrated scripting environment for team-specific tool development
Automated testing functionality
Includes FileIO capabilities for scripted project manipulation
Fully customizable inspector panels & menus
Pre-publish & post-publish scripting extends publishing configurability
Built-in code optimization includes minification, whitespace-removal, & conditional code
Publishing analysis tools provide package-size efficiency overview
“INCISOR® is exactly what professional developers need to make light, fast web apps that just work everywhere.”
— Farhad Ahmadzai, Vice President of Engineering, CRAZY TOOTH STUDIO® (iGaming)